Weekend organisation plans - Christmas and holiday prep

Yikes. Somehow there are only two more weekends before Christmas, and despite having my tree up and the wreath on the door, I’m still not feeling too Christmassy. What’s up with that!?

I’ll have no choice after this weekend because I really do need to get my skates on. I’m going to hit my local village (Birkenhead) on Saturday and see if I can snap up the last bits and pieces that I need. I’ve timed it well - the Birkenhead Artisan Market is on on Saturday, and I know I’ll find some gorgeous treats there. I’ll also be stopping in to see the wonderful women at Cravehome to see about a few special items. Once I have those final bits and bobs, I’m planning on starting the wrapping mission each evening - a couple a night, so I don’t become the grinch by the end of it. Do you theme your Christmas wrapping? I adore the Kikki K Paper Lover’s Christmas Book and still have mine from last year, with a whole brand spanking new theme to make sure my wrapping looks tip-top. Fun fact: I don’t love wrapping presents. Not sure why!

My last organisational to-do this weekend is to start putting a list together for our post-Christmas holiday - we are heading away and as you can imagine, I like to be well-organised. So in advance of Christmas I have my checklist of what to take locked and loaded, to make packing the car a cinch. Last year Otis was a delightful little 4 month old who really just lay around looking adorable - this year, as a 16 month old who climbs and runs, I’m thinking loading the car is going to be a little more tricky. Preparedness is my secret weapon! The benefit of starting the list early is that it doesn’t need to be exhaustive initially - I can just make a start now, and then add to it over the next week as inspiration hits me. Woot!

Who else is going to get started on some pre-planning for their summer holiday? Flick me an email if you want to see my list - I’ll happily send it to you when its done.


Epic mega giveaway!!


A sniff of exciting things to come