24 decluttering and organising tips - an invitation

I took this photo in July, when things were feeling a bit more joyful. I’m bringing the joy back for myself (and hopefully you too!) from December 1-24. Will you join me?

I want to do - and share - something fun in the lead-up to Christmas. Because the last 3 months have often felt “not fun”, and it seems a universal heaviness has descended over Aotearoa. The C-word and the V-word have dominated our conversations and online spaces, and there is a real sense of division out there. I want to finish 2021 with a spring in my step, and smile on my face, and laughter in my heart - and I want to share that late-blooming joy with you!

From December 1-24, I'll be sharing decluttering and organising tips on Instagram Stories ... but only for people on my Close Friends list. To get on that list, it will cost you the super-low price of $10. That $10 gives you the daily excitement of logging into Instagram and enjoying the creative, silly and hopefully memorable ways I find to share my tips and tricks. At the end of the month, all of the tips will be emailed to you in a PDF so you can revisit them once the hectic Christmas season is over and we're enjoying leftover ham and pavlova.

10 bucks - for entertainment, realistic tips and perhaps some new ways to think about clutter and disorganisation as we wrap up what has been one helluva year.

I’ll be sharing the tips as a combination of photos and videos, with a mixture of people (Otis and I), places (my home and clients’ homes) and anything else I can think of to make this fun and memorable for you.

There will be no talk about Covid, or vaccinations, or mandates, or the Government. Just sensible tips and some light relief from the day-to-day slog as we gear up to farewell 2021.

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Frequently asked questions

Is this a Christmas thing? Are they tips for being organised for Christmas day?

Nope! They are general tips and tricks relating to decluttering and organising your home. There may be the occasional Christmas tip, but that will be the exception rather than the norm.

What kind of tips are included?

A whole range of things that I have learned in my 3+ years of being a professional organiser. There might be tips about the bathroom, the wardrobe, the pantry, and there could be mindset hacks to overcome common hurdles.

Why on Instagram Stories?

I’m really enjoying Instagram at the moment is the main reason. The other reason is that the Close Friends option within Instagram makes this a simple way to “ring fence” this content for people who have paid to be part of it.

I’m not on Instagram, can I still get the tips?

Yes! On December 26th, I’ll be emailing out all of the tips in a PDF format. So even if you aren’t on Instagram, you’ll still receive the collection.

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The unsexy secret to decluttering ... and staying uncluttered


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