How to create an "action station" for your busy home

If you’re sick of stuff piling up on the dining room table, the kitchen bench, the coffee table (or let’s face it - any available surface), perhaps it’s time to consider implementing an action station as an effective clutter buster in your family home.

By adding a purposeful space for your family’s bits and pieces to “go” when they come into the home, you’re taking a positive step towards confining clutter to a single space in the home. Then, when the time comes to put things away where they belong, the job is faster and easier because everything is in one place to start with. Efficiency hack! Yesssss!!

Keen to learn more? Watch the full video below, then check out my product recommendations at the bottom of the post.

*Please note that this post is not sponsored or endorsed in any way by The Warehouse. I simply found a product I saw that I could give a new purpose and thought I’d share the idea with you.


Simple, family-friendly systems that help reduce and manage clutter is what I specialise in! If you’d like some help coming up with a system that will work for your family, jump on a free 15 minute consultation with me to get the ball rolling.

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Cover photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash.


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