I just bought some Crocs

Just a quick post today, in which I remind you how great it feels to tick something off your to-do list - especially something that has been lurking there for weeks, and maybe even months. A task that perhaps fills you with dread - like the purchase of Crocs. 

Ah, Crocs - perhaps the most maligned shoe of all time; it seems most people either love 'em or hate 'em. I've always been a bit ambivalent about them - to each their own, but no those aren't for me, thanks. Until now. You see, our home is surrounded by native bush. Our living space opens out onto a deck, which in turn opens to garden and then more bush. All quite rugged (by design), and should only require small bursts of maintenance, often. Here's the rub - gardening is not our strong suit, and so it becomes something of an event when we decide to get out there and tackle it. An all day affair that requires babysitting for Otis and has us tired and sore at the end from all the bending, pulling, cutting and general hard labour. 

HOWEVER that is not how our garden was designed. It was designed so that we could get out there once a week, pull a few weeds and keep on top of it. And do you want to know my ridiculous excuse for not gardening regularly? Appropriate footwear. LOL. I find gumboots hard to wear so end up lacing up my exercise shoes, which then get filthy, which means I don't want to use them in our home gym, which means gardening is a real hassle... Can you see the spiral of procrastination I could (and do!) go down here? So for ages I've been saying I just need to get  something I can slip on really quickly, that have no other purpose in life, and can handle living outside in the elements. That sounds a lot like Crocs. This should have been an easy tick on the old to do list. 

And yet I have procrastinated. I even made it into a Crocs store on a recent trip to Melbourne, but couldn't quite take the plunge. Well, today marked the end of the dilly-dallying - we set off on a Croc-buying mission and I have come home triumphant! And I have to say, these things are sinfully comfortable... I can see it would be a slippery slope to wearing them off our property, so the sooner I rough them up in the garden the better! Tomorrow though - I've achieved enough for one day! 

Do you have something lurking on your to-do list that fills you with dread? Tackle it this weekend if you can - you'll feel great once you've ticked it off your list! 

They look so bad but feel so good! 


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