The Ship Shape Shoppe VIP Community - coming soon!

Guys, I’m super super SUPER excited about something new that is in the works - a private membership group that is all about guided virtual decluttering, focusing on every room in the house over the course of 12 months. This is something that I’ve been mulling over for a while now - I’ve wanted to share my expertise with more people, and make it affordable for anyone who needs a helping hand to declutter and reorganise their home.

The VIP Community (working title!) is currently being piloted - I’m working with a small group of women from around New Zealand and helping them declutter their homes, one room at a time. I’m doing all of the learning during the pilot phase, so that by the time I throw open my doors I’m a total expert on running an amazeballs group that is fun and inclusive, but most of all helps members achieve their goals.


  • Guided decluttering and reorganising of one room per month

  • Monthly challenges to help motivate and inspire members

  • Exclusive checklists, how-to guides, virtual events and more

  • Monthly webinars in which members are able to access personalised expert advice from yours truly

  • A private Facebook group for support, motivation and accountability

  • Guest speakers, exclusive offers, discount on products from The Ship Shape Shoppe AND MORE.

Sounds pretty good right? No wonder I’m excited! I’m starting small to make sure that all members receive the premium coaching experience they deserve. That means I WILL reach my membership limit in the first intake, so you want to be among the first to know when I open the doors. Drop your details on the form below to get on the list (even if you already subscribe to my newsletter, you’ll need to add your info as this is a whole new offering that I will need your permission to contact you about… Thanks GDPR!)

* Cover photo by Nicolas COMTE on Unsplash


Stash and Dash


How I became a professional organiser