Tame the Tupperware - preparation

Howdy folks! Hope your Monday has started off with a hiss and a roar - I’m feeling great after I smashed my weekend gardening goals - I ended up spending more than an hour in there as I was on such a weeding roll that I just kept going. Very satisfying work…Almost as satisfying as getting that Tupperware drawer under control!

Most people seem to have a love/hate relationship with their Tupperware (and I’m using Tupperware as a blanket-term here to cover all reusable containers) - they love it for the function it performs (keeping our food safe to eat, yay!), and they hate it because it is notoriously difficult to store and keep tidy. I’m here to help with that - this week, we end the Tupperware’s reign of terror! Before we get started, you’ll need to do some basic prep work, as follows:

  • Take out all of your Tupperware - bottoms and lids. Collect it from anywhere it might be lurking, unused - the office, school bags, the car, etc. Think hard and you’ll be surprised at the places it could show up.

  • Pair bottoms with lids - any bottoms with no lids (and vice versa!) need to go in the discard pile (we will circle back to the discard pile, so don’t put anything usable directly into the rubbish bin just yet).

  • Take stock of what is left and thin out the collection if you can - be quite ruthless about what you want to keep. I think one of the top issues with Tupperware collections is that they tend to be vast. You probably have more than you actually need. If you’re struggling to move any along into the discard pile, consider the following:

    • When did you last use it? If not in the last 6 weeks, move it along.

    • Is it a whacky shape that doesn’t really suit any of the food you need to store? Move it along.

    • Do you have 5+ of the same shape? If you regularly use the same size/shape container and therefore having multiples makes sense, then by all means keep them. But if you have several of one size/shape, and only ever use one of them at a time, move it along.

    • Is it still in good condition? Many reusable containers were not designed to be used for eternity. The quality of the plastic degrades and may no longer be fit for purpose. If any of your containers look like they have seen better days, move them along.

  • Consider any issues you have with your current Tupperware storage. If you have a drawer, does your kid love to play in it? If you use a cupboard, how are you “containing” the containers to stop them from slipping and sliding all over the place? Email me if you have a specific issue and I’ll address it in the next blog post later in the week.

The discard pile

Remember how we pulled the Tupperware from the four corners of our home? We are now going to sift through the discard pile and see what could be repurposed for use outside the pantry/fridge. For example, I keep a container in the boot of my car; it has a very specific purpose and never leaves the car. It’s also a whacky shape that doesn’t fit easily in my Tupperware drawer, so double win. Here are some tips for getting you started on repurposing your containers:

  • Large containers:

    • Store kids’ art supplies - paints, colouring pencils, paper scraps etc.

    • Create your own first aid kit.

    • Travel often? Create a “go box” of non-perishable items you take on every trip but don’t use in daily life whilst at home.

  • Medium containers:

    • Create your own travel first aid kit.

    • Store cotton wool balls and pads in the bathroom cabinet.

  • Small containers:

    • Store small quantities of your business cards in your car’s glovebox.

    • Create a handbag first aid kit (bandaids, pain killers).

That’s it! Your prep is complete, you should have a manageable, usable pile of Tupperware that you will soon be storing somewhere in your kitchen. Everything else has been either repurposed for use elsewhere in the house, or put in the bin/recycling bin. Always check if your unwanted containers can be recycled before consigning them to landfill.

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Tupperware organisation overhaul


Weekend organisation plans - gardening blitz