Weekend plans - friends and family

This weekend I have cleared the decks for organising - I’ve not been well and neither has Otis, so we need to spend a little time on R&R (and of course lots of P for playing, because #mumlife).

My weekend starts early with a catch up with my girlfriend Marnie of Eskimo Nell - she is about to embark on a hugely exciting odyssey around the country in a caravan with her gorgeous family. I’m heading out to see them before they go, and lend a hand packing up their last bits and pieces. I’m taking wine, and there will be lols a-plenty.

Otis and I are catching up with my coffee group girlfriends in the park on Saturday morning - this is such an important network to me and I’m really looking forward to seeing these lady-babes and the baby-babes. Now that the kids are 18 months and many are back at work, the chances to get together are few and far between - so it’s really cool that one of the group has initiated these catch ups.

On Sunday we are going to check out my awesomely awesome nephew playing in a softball tournament. This kid - I love him to pieces. He is the big cheese, the bees knees, and a bloody fine softball player. We’ll go cheer him on in the morning and aim to be home before it gets too hot for us to be out and about.

So quite a busy and social weekend really - no wonder if I have hosed down any notions of tackling an organisation project. The next few weekends are going to be much the same for me - busy and social. Thank goodness I’ve learned to outsource like a pro so stuff is still getting done around the home while we make the most of this wonderful life of ours.


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How to organise your wardrobe - as quickly as possible