Weekend organisation plans: client measure and drop offs

I’m sharing this with you guys as you may not know that I do work the occasional weekend. It isn’t my preference (family time for me AND family time for my clients being the main reasons) but I understand that my clients are often super-busy corporate women and meeting me during the week just isn’t realistic. So if we are struggling to find a time for the site measure after we’ve had our discovery call, I will often make a weekend day available to get together.

So this weekend I’m going to meet a lovely, busy lady who needs some whipping her bedroom into shape, and some more desperate help in the garage. Does this sound familiar? It has become a dumping ground over the years, to the point where it is impossible to move around, let alone park her car. So that is my secret goal for this project - to get that garage to the point where she can park her car. I’m so excited - I absolutely love working on garages.

I’ll be going through both the spaces she needs help with and thoroughly measuring, taking notes and photos, and working out if any additional products are required to really transform those areas. She has mentioned a skip for some of the stuff in the garage - I’m going to see what I can divert to charity shops, Freecycle and Pay it Forward Facebook groups instead of into landfill. If a skip is required, I’ll offer to organise all of that for my client - when it comes to organisation, I like to offer an all inclusive service and take everything off their plate. Just another way I try to care for these awesome women and remove stuff from their to-do lists.

Speaking of to-do lists and client care, my other organisation task this weekend is to drop off some items to the Recycle Boutique for one of my pre-Christmas clients. We had a clear out of her fabulous wardrobe and identified a number of beautiful items that she could get a bit of money back on. She has now sent me through her membership number so I can drop those items off. I don’t take a commission from this - for me it’s all about providing thoughtful customer service.

So nothing really in my weekend to directly inspire you guys to get organised, but if you need a bit of a rev-up check out my video “How to clear out your wardrobe - as fast as possible!”


What is "pile up"… and how to stop it in its tracks


Weekend organisation plans - wardrobe clear out