Weekend organisation plans - caring for my mum

I broke my mum! Just kidding. I didn’t break her, but she did break her foot whilst helping with our gardening last weekend. All week I’ve felt tremendously guilty, so this weekend I’m giving back.

I will start off with a visit tonight after work, wine and toddler at the ready. I’m also going to be dropping round a meal from the Casual Foodie (yuummmmm and pleasepleaseplease let there be some of their Belgian Chocolate Mousse for us because that shit is delicious!) so Mum doesn’t have to be on her feet preparing a meal.

Tomorrow I plan on showing up with some fresh baking, and while I’m there I will give their bathrooms a clean, tend to the windows that Otis will inevitably maul tonight during our visit, and push the vacuum cleaner around if she hasn’t kicked me out. I’m keeping Sunday free in case they need anything from the supermarket, and if not I’ll be available for any other errands they need a hand with. (By the way, my Dad is excellent and very hands on and helpful. But I reckon I can muscle him out of the way on at least a few of these jobs in order to alleviate my guilt!)

Have a great weekend everyone!


When is the right time to declutter?


Weekend organisation plans - bathroom clear out