Weekend organisation plans - meet ups and birthdays!

I’m starting to feel a bit scared that another weekend is upon us. Is time actually racing by faster as I get older, or perhaps it is because I blog about my weekend once a week? As a self-employed small business owner, there are seemingly never enough hours in the day, let alone days in the week, to get everything done. Mainly because I keep having exciting ideas about new things to try!

An idea that I can absolutely not take the credit for is the meet-up that is scheduled for Saturday morning - yesterday out of the blue my phone rang, and it was a lovely professional organiser who is based in Tuakau. We are both members of Venus (women’s networking group) and as she is on the North Shore for the weekend, she looked me up. I’m so excited about this - so rare to have the opportunity to talk shop and bounce ideas off someone else that is as passionate about being organised as I am. It gives me a reason to be thankful that the industry I’m in is supportive, sharing and caring - I’ve experienced that sharing online and I’m looking forward to it extending into real life this weekend.

Sunday is Jamie’s birthday, and I’m not sure yet what exciting stuff we will do as a family. He is actually away at the moment so I will be able to find some quiet time before he comes home to wrap presents and write a thoughtful message in his birthday card. Do you guys still do cards for your loved ones? I love them - gone are the days when I’d handmake them; instead I try to write a personal and meaningful message that conveys my love and hopes for the year ahead. We have an unwritten rule in our house that your birthday cards stay on the shelf for your birthday month, then down they come. I keep special cards (1st birthday, 1st Father’s Day and Mother’s Day, etc) in a memory box - the rest go in the recycling bin. I absolutely love birthdays - especially my own which is coming up in April. Must start writing my wish list!

Have a great weekend friend!


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